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Sanitation Practices and Policies Due to COVID-19

Due to COVID-19, there are new policies and procedures that have been put into place to protect all salon workers and all of the clients going into the salons. All clients must enter the building wearing a face mask that completely covers your mouth and nose. You must not remove your mask while in the building, please keep it on the entire time you’re inside. 
Unfortunately we are not allowed to have anyone in the service area except for the client getting a service done. The waiting area is closed currently so anyone who comes to the appointment with you will be asked to please leave.

Please message me when you arrive so I can message you back and let you know if I am ready for you to come up to the room! 

Once you’re inside my space, I will have you immediately wash your hands with antibacterial hand soap before we begin the appointment. I will wash my hands as well, and again before I begin the service! I then use hand sanitizer as I prep and place the eye pads, then I sanitize again and I wear nitrile gloves for the entire service to stay as sanitary as possible. All clients have a sanitary and disposable cover for all the supplies used during the service to go on. All disposables are thrown out immediately and anything that is reusable is cleaned and sanitized thoroughly multiple times. Every client gets a freshly sanitized massage bed with 2 layers of clean sheets and a lash pillow with 2 clean and fresh pillow cases. I guarantee every client will have a safe and sanitary space to get their lashes done in!
If you become unexpectedly ill or are around someone who was sick in the past 2 weeks, please let me know and we will reschedule your appointment when you feel 100% again! There will be no fee charge for unexpected illness cancellations.

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